Compliance with Confidence
Registering your RIA, updating your annual ADV, or ongoing compliance solutions. Your team of experts is with you every step of the way.
RIA compliance solutions:
just a click away
We hear it every day: compliance is overwhelming for independent financial advisors. That’s why we've prioritized an expert team in-house for you to rely on. Our Compliance team is ready to assist you with your initial state or SEC registration, annual ADV updates, regulatory exam prep, and so much more. Do you just have a quick compliance question? No problem–there are multiple opportunities for Q&A each week through regular office hours and our members-only forums. Rest easy knowing your RIA compliance consultants are just a click away.
You can serve as your own Chief Compliance Officer. Take it from an RIA compliance company.
Annual ADV update
Smartria compliance and task management software
Weekly office hours with our expert Compliance team
Access to members-only compliance forum
Compliance education via webinars and XYPN academy
How-to guides and templates
XYPN Members on Compliance

To utilize XYPN for RIA Registration Services, you will need to sign a Member Agreement agreeing to be a member for 12 months.
Monthly Payment Option available
Registration Support
Form ADV & U4 Drafting and Submission
Client Agreements & Privacy Policy Drafting
Weekly Compliance Drop-In Group Calls
Core Policies and Procedure Development
Compliance Manual
Creation of Additional Required State Documents for Firm Registration
Business Continuity Manual, Security
Manual, and Code of Ethics Creation -
ADV Amendment Filing Within 30 Days of Firm Approval
Support with Regulator Correspondence During Registration
Compliance Foundations
Stressed about being your firm’s CCO? With Compliance Foundations, our expert consultants will help you register your firm, lay the foundation for your compliance program, and boost your confidence in your first year.
Not sure which package is right for you? Choose Standard Compliance Foundations if you're looking for structured training and support over your first year to ensure your year one compliance program is efficient and effective. Choose Enhanced Compliance Foundations if you’re looking for greater flexibility in ad-hoc compliance support like additional State or SEC registrations, adding or removing IARs, and discussing general compliance questions, in addition to developing your firm’s compliance program.
Standard Compliance Foundations
Monthly payment option: $550/mo for 12 monthsEnhanced Compliance Foundations
Monthly payment option: $910/mo for 12 monthsAdditional Consulting Support with Navigating:
**A complexity fee, billed monthly, may apply for ongoing support with the following activities.
* Up to 12 hours of support per year as needed
** As needed/applicable
*** Subject to additional tech costs
† Additional compliance support billed at $360/hour in quarter hour increments. The Compliance team will notify the Adviser, before the start of a requested project, anytime the requested project, task, or assignment requires separate billing
Periodic Compliance Service Engagements
À La Carte Compliance Support
Pricing based on support needed
Pricing by Service
- Form ADV amendment & filing: $500 per ADV Update Engagement (Covers first 2 hours of compliance support)
- Additional state registration: $900+ per state, additional hours billed at $360/hour
- Notice filing: $180 per notice filing with the appropriate States
- IAR registration filing & support: $360 per IAR Registration, $180 per Form U4 Amendment or Form U5 Filing
- State to SEC Registration Transition: $1,800 flat fee
Includes application prep and submission, ADV-W filing to withdraw from the state(s), updated set of tailored Policies & Procedures, review of the firm’s website, drafting of updated disclaimers, and a detailed resource guide for SEC-Registered firms.
Ongoing Consulting
Proactive consulting tailored to your firm
- Development or refinement of written policy and procedures
- Streamline or build out compliance processes with best practices
- Setup and training on compliance task management
- Support of additional registrations and notice filings
- Audit prep support and guidance
- Dedicated email support
Hourly Consulting
$360 / hour
Expert compliance support on an as needed basis
- Advertising & marketing reviews
- Compliance document reviews
- State or SEC audit support
- 1:1 consulting to address specific compliance questions
Looking to Learn More About Compliance?
We know firsthand what a bear compliance can be on your own. That's why we've created resources to help financial advisors learn to navigate compliance with confidence.
Learn more →

The Essential RIA Compliance Guide