October 26, 2016
Ep #71: A Tale of Discrimination, Immigration, and Success - The Career of Catalina Franco-Cicero
In response to repeated requests, Catalina Franco-Cicero joined us on the show to share her unique journey that brought her into the financial planning profession.
October 19, 2016
Ep #70: The Power of Niche Marketing, Developing Processes, and Growing Your Firm - An Update on the Career of Daniel Wrenne
Daniel Wrenne revisits the podcast to provide an update on the progress he's having with his firm - Wrenne Financial Planning. Daniel is nearing client capacity after two years in business and he's doing so by successfully employing niche marketing. We last spoke with Daniel in episod …
October 12, 2016
Ep #69: Fail Fast and Pivot Quickly with John McCarthy
This week, John McCarthy joins us for a discussion about leveraging lessons learned after launching and ultimately closing his own financial planning firm.
October 05, 2016
Ep #68: How to Use PR to Grow Your RIA with Megan Carpenter
This week our guest is Megan Carpenter. She is the co-founder of FiComm Partners, a public relations firm specializing in creating custom marketing campaigns for independent advisory firms. As a recognized expert in PR for advisors, Megan outlines just how to obtain press coverage and …
September 28, 2016
Ep #67: Alan & Kitces Unhinged: The Best Questions and Conversations from #XYPN16
Michael and Alan are back for another Unhinged episode after wrapping up #XYPN16 in San Diego. We had a blast at the conference and loved the opportunity to spend some quality one-on-one time talking with members of the XYPN community.
September 21, 2016
How to Successfully Execute a Succession Plan with Jake Kuebler
Jake Kuebler is a 30-year-old planner at the helm of the very successful, fee-only firm, Bluestem Financial Advisors. He joins the podcast this week to discuss succession plans, the future of the retainer model, and how to seamlessly manage a firm's transition in ownership.
September 14, 2016
Ep #65: Developing a Specialty Service Around College Planning
We routinely receive requests for more shows with established planners who've found success implementing the strategies we champion, especially around defining your niche.
September 07, 2016
Ep #64: Creating a Unique Financial Planning Service Model with Trace Tisler
Trace Tisler walked away from a comfortable job in a successful, fee-only RIA to strike out on his own. He's now building his own fee-only firm... with one of our favorite financial planning firm names in the industry (listen to the podcast to find out what it is!).