December 23, 2020
Ep #287: Applying Startup Experience to the First 12 Months of Business: The Career of Natalie Taylor
We’re excited to have XYPN member Natalie Taylor, owner of Natalie Taylor Consulting Services, on the show today. Natalie is only 10 months into building a fee-only RIA business, but she has already served nearly forty clients since opening her doors in early 2020. Natalie walks us th …
December 02, 2020
Ep #284: Launching a Part-Time Firm During the COVID Era: The Career of Brooklyn Brock
We’re excited to have XYPN member Brooklyn Brock, Founder of Ellevate Advisors, a fee-only firm in Tulsa, OK, on the show today. Brooklyn is a third-generation CFP® and after several years of working at her family Ameriprise office, Brooklyn got the itch to start her own firm. But Bro …
August 19, 2020
Ep #269: Debunking the Registration Process with Travis Johnson and Kendra Rehm-Dehn
We’re excited to have Travis Johnson, XYPN's Director of Compliance, and Kendra Rehm-Dehn, an XYPN Compliance Specialist, on the show today. Beginning the journey towards running your own RIA can be stressful and one of the most nerve-wracking parts can be getting started with complia …
June 24, 2020
EP #261: Jumping Careers In Her 40s And Building Confidence In The Industry While Slowly Building Her RIA, The Career Of Leslie Ransom
We’re excited to have XYPN member Leslie Ransom, owner of Indie Financial Planning, a fee-only firm in Chicago, IL, on the show today. Leslie spent nearly two decades on the sale and distribution side of the music industry, working with bands and music labels all across the nation. Le …
Episode No. 246 | March 11, 2020
From Investor Relations To Running A Completely Virtual RIA - The Career of Kelly Luethje
Kelly Luethje is the owner of Willow Planning Group, a fee-only firm in Holderness, New Hampshire. Kelly spent most of her early career working in investor relations at a biotech company. After getting her own financial house in order she was drawn into the Financial Planning industry …
January 15, 2020
Using Your Own Money Scripts to Build Your Ideal Firm: The Career of Leighann Miko
Leighann Miko is the owner of Equalis Financial, a fee-only firm in Los Angeles, California. Although she began her career in this industry, her money scripts that led her into this career were formed much earlier. Leighann grew up poor and was the first member of her family to gradua …
September 11, 2019
Ep #220: Building a Firm from Scratch - The Career of Ryan Bayonnet
Today I've got XYPN member and founder of Hyland Financial Planning, Ryan Bayonnet, on the show to share his experience moving into owning his own practice. Having had his firm up and running for about two years now, Ryan opens up about the major hurdles he's faced and his victories a …
August 07, 2019
Marketing on a Limited Budget with XYPN Marketing Coach Carolyn Dalle-Molle
In financial planning, you can’t be all people, and you can’t be all numbers. This is also true when it comes to marketing, and today you will get to hear from XYPN’s Marketing Coach, Carolyn Dalle-Molle, who is fantastic at helping XYPN clients find the right marketing strategy for t …