Episode No. 372 | October 18, 2023
How To Find Success While Doing the Next Right Thing
With Mike Kelly
Doing the right thing in the financial world often involves speaking up and knowing when to go your own way. This is in no way an easy thing, but has time and time again been a source of joy for advisors. Our guest today, Mike Kelly, CFA®, CFP®, and founder of Switchback Financial has …
Episode No. 371 | October 04, 2023
How Life’s Detours Can Support Your Dream Job
A Conversation with Natalie Taylor
Your RIA journey isn’t just an upwards climb from where you are to where you want to be. It can include things like a family, embracing other opportunities, and teaming up with a friend. In today’s episode, we reconnect with Natalie Taylor CFP®. Since we spoke to her 3 years ago, she …
Episode No. 369 | September 06, 2023
Empowering Your Finances: Lessons from Ministry to Money Management
With Jeff Clark
Join us for an insightful episode as we extend a warm welcome to XYPN member Jeff Clark CFP®, founder of Redwood Money. From youth ministry to personal finance, Jeff’s journey wasn’t simple. In his church, Jeff offered to help his peers with their finances, but soon had the attention …
Episode No. 367 | August 09, 2023
How Resilience and Community Paved a Path to Success
With Leland Gross
We often hear how the network of support and connection that XYPN offers is a strong component of success. In today's episode, we learn that for our guest, Leland Gross, CFP®, the founder of PeaceLink Financial Planning, "community" wasn't just a benefit, it was essential after a life …
Episode No. 359 | April 19, 2023
From CPA to Starting & Growing Your Own RIA
A Conversation with Mike Troxell
If you’re interested in learning about the advantages of growing your firm with like-minded advisors, the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant, and how none of it would be possible without a supportive spouse, this episode’s for you!
Episode No. 358 | April 05, 2023
When “Having It All” Looks Different Than You Planned
A Reflective Conversation with Betty Wang
If you’ve ever found yourself questioning what “having it all” looks like for you, how to pull focus on those visions and find balance as you start and run your business, this episode is for you. In this reflective and empowering conversation, XYPN member Betty Wang, CFP®, founder of …
Episode No. 355 | February 22, 2023
Out of the FIRE Goal and Into the Solo Practice
An Inspiring Conversation with Frank Austin
If you’re interested in hearing about building a unique firm that's more focused on helping people and having an impact versus just being focused on making money due to personal financial circumstances, this episode is for you! This inspiring and really interesting conversation with X …
Episode No. 353 | January 25, 2023
Having the Freedom to Make Work Work For You
A Conversation with Sarah Ponder
Whether you live in a single or dual-entrepreneurial household, have children you’re balancing in that equation, or are just looking for effective tips to convert prospects into clients, this episode is for you!