XYPN Radio

Episode No. 366 | July 26, 2023

When Taking Custody & Engaging Virtual Assistance is Right For Your RIA

With Kate Yearwood Young

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If you’re wondering whether taking custody of client accounts and a virtual assistant is right for your independent advisory firm, this episode’s for you! Taking custody can be a scary decision, but sometimes it's the right one. Just ask XYPN member Kate Yearwood Young, CFA, CFP®, fou …

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Episode No. 365 | July 13, 2023

How to Mine the Market to Find & Maximize Your Niche

With Marlon Wesh

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If you are interested in learning highly effective, yet simple ways to use data-driven market research to find and maximize your niche, this episode is for you! In this candid and informative conversation with XYPN member Marlon Wesh, MBA, founder of Wesh Financial, we learn how Marlo …

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Episode No. 364 | June 28, 2023

Becoming a Student of Your Own Art

With Terry Bradford-Crane

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If you’re interested in the impact being a student of your own art can have on your priorities and business, this episode is for you! Terry Bradford-Crane MBA, CFP® of Bradford-Crane Company went to the Naval Academy for college with a dream of becoming a pilot and an astronaut. Just …

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Episode No. 363 | June 14, 2023

Finding Your Fit and Equity Compensation as a Powerful Niche

A Conversation with Christine Amill Centeno

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If you’re interested in how finding your fit can change everything and how well the equity compensation niche has worked for XYPN member Christine Amill Centeno, CFP®, MS, founder of Simplicity Wealth Management, this episode is for you! Christine started her career in financial servi …

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Episode No. 362 | June 01, 2023

The Benefits of Fee-restructuring & Other Mid-course Growth Decisions

A Conversation with John Underhill

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If you’re interested in learning how employment contract restrictions can seriously disrupt your plans to take clients with you should you decide to break away from your broker, as well as working through growth and fee structuring decisions, this episode is for you! XYPN member John …

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Episode No. 361 | May 17, 2023

Radically Grow Revenue by Niching What and Who You Know: With Brian O’Neill

With Brian O’Neill

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In this fun conversation with XYPN member Brian O'Neill, CFP®,founder of Winged Wealth Management and Financial Planning, we hear how niching not only what you know, but who you know can radically grow your business—even in the first year! Brian spent the first 20 years of his career …

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Episode No. 360 | May 03, 2023

From Wirehouse to Solo RIA—When Following a Calling Serves You AND Your Clients

A Conversation with Kaysian Gordon

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If you are interested in what it takes to transition from a long-term wirehouse position to solo RIA ownership, what it means to truly answer a calling, and how to sustainably serve others without being self-sacrificing, this episode is for you!

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Episode No. 359 | April 19, 2023

From CPA to Starting & Growing Your Own RIA

A Conversation with Mike Troxell

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If you’re interested in learning about the advantages of growing your firm with like-minded advisors, the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant, and how none of it would be possible without a supportive spouse, this episode’s for you!

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