
Ep #3: The Career of Sophia Bera - From Actress to Firm Owner

August 24, 2015


Want to know what’s unheard of? A successful 31-year-old financial advisor. On this episode of #XYPNRadio, we're proud to have 31-year-old Sophia Bera, founder of Gen Y Planning! When the average financial advisor is about 55 (and male), you can bet she is making waves as a young and successful member of this industry.

If you’re struggling with the decision on whether or not to launch your own firm and what it’s going to take, Sophia drops some serious knowledge to help you make up your mind. For someone who has started her career with a degree in theater, how did she manage to go from an artist to a virtual RIA? Find out how that became her secret weapon by pressing the "play" button below.


Listen to the Full Interview:


What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • Sophia's determination to become a successful.
  • The power of networking.
  • An honest CFP retention strategy for firms to implement.
  • How to redefine failure.
  • The cost of starting your own firm. Hint: it's not much.
  • How to handle your personal expenses.
  • Benefits of being in a mastermind.

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