
Ep #242: From Film Production to a Lifestyle Firm: The Career of Rob Brown

February 12, 2020

#XYPNRadio Feature Image Episode 242

Today XYPN member Rob Brown, owner of Brownsboro Financial, joins the show. After starting his career in the film industry as a production manager, he craved something new and decided to start a career path as a financial advisor. In this episode, he describes the challenges of starting a new business, as well as what it's like running a business while being a first-time father.

Listen in as Rob explains why he never wanted a big firm—just a firm that complimented his life. You will learn the work that went in to building up his business without much experience, why he got his CFP®, and more. If you have ever wondered how you can use flexibility to support your lifestyle, this is the episode for you.  


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What You'll Learn from This Episode:

  • An overview of Rob’s career.
  • Why he made a career switch to become a financial advisor.
  • How working with his partner is going.
  • What it's like being a first-time father while running a business.
  • Why Rob wanted to run a smaller firm.
  • The importance of flexibility.
  • Why Rob got his CFP®.

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XYPN's annual Benchmarking Study is out! Are you curious about the average number of clients XYPN members get in their first year? Or, how successful niches really are? To answer these burning questions (and more), we enlisted a professional research firm to complete our annual Benchmarking Study. Get your copy hot off the press and discover vital statistics such as the median advisor revenue by years in practice and sources of firm growth—from referrals to blogging, social media, and more!