Ep #233: Embracing a Psychographic Niche and Keeping Your Planning Firm Personal: The Career of Alex Yeager

December 11, 2019

XYPNRadio Episode 233 Feature Image

Alex Yeager started his career out of college at Vanguard, gaining valuable experience working with clients and their investments. After feeling as though he would like to work more intimately with clients in a comprehensive way, Alex moved to Texas and started working at an independent RIA. Now the owner of Everlong Financial, he specializes in the personal relationship side of the services.

In this episode, Alex explains why he wants to lead by example with his clients as he begins to grow a practice that works for him and his growing family. You will learn what it was like for him to start a firm while facing his own perfectionism, as well as how he is ensuring that his practice meaningfully serves his life.


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What You'll Learn from This Episode:

  • An overview of Alex’s career.
  • What it was like starting his own firm.
  • How he overcame his own anxiety and perfectionism.
  • The importance of community.
  • How to start a practice that meaningfully serves your life.

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XY Planning Network's annual Benchmarking Study is out! Are you curious about the average number of clients XYPN members get in their first year? Or, how successful niches really are? To answer these burning questions (and more), we enlisted a professional research firm to complete our annual Benchmarking Study. Get your copy hot off the press and discover vital statistics such as the median advisor revenue by years in practice and sources of firm growth—from referrals to blogging, social media, and more! 






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