
Ep #13: The Career of Matt Becker - Starting a Firm From Scratch With No Experience

September 30, 2015


This week, we're back to our regular interview schedule with Matt Becker’s inspirational and exciting story. Matt is the founder of Mom and Dad Money -- and the best writer and brand builder I know in financial planning.

Matt has built his entire brand and firm around Mom and Dad Money, focused primarily on a clearly defined niche of new parents.

I get asked all the time if it's possible to start a firm without experience, and Matt is the perfect case to show that it is possible. He started his firm with zero experience, having never worked with a client a day in his life before he launched his firm. In this episode, Matt offers his words of caution and wisdom for those looking to do the same.

Thinking about starting a financial planning firm but don’t have any financial planning experience? This episode is full of tips that will help you further develop your career and reach your goals of serving the next generation of clients within your own business.


 Listen to the Full Interview:


What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How Matt became a financial planner.
  • Matt’s incredible and unorthodox journey to financial planning.
  • Matt’s motivations to starting his own firm.
  • The push that helped Matt take the leap.
  • The importance of having your significant others’ buy-in.
  • How blogging has helped Matt grow his business.
  • Why niches have been so powerful for Matt.
  • Why you cannot “should” yourself.

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