On-Demand Event

The Power of Niche Marketing

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As more people earn their CFP® designation and become financial advisors, simply being an advisor is no longer the differentiator it once was. As a result, advisors find themselves increasingly compelled to focus on a niche where it’s easier to stand out and win clients. But some worry that by narrowing in on a niche, they'll lose out on prospective clients.

With a clear marketing strategy, this won't happen. In fact, you'll waste less time on prospects who aren't, and never will be, a fit. After all, good marketing is as much about repelling the wrong people as it is attracting the right ones. In this on-demand event, XYPN members Stephanie Bucko and Emlen Miles-Mattingly explore the power of niche marketing. 


Stephanie Bucko Headshot

Stephanie Bucko

Emlen Miles-Mattingly Headshot

Emlen Miles-Mattingly

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