Daniel Kopp, CFP ®, is a Fee-only, Fiduciary Financial Planner and Founder of Wise Stewardship Financial Planning where he helps young widows and widowers as well as military members organize their financial lives by aligning their money with their deeply-held values. He leverages his personal experiences as a widower and an Air Force veteran to offer a deeper level of engagement and connection with his clients. He is also an XYPN and NAPFA member as well as being a founding board member of Military Financial Advisors Association (MFAA). Daniel also hosts the podcast, Military to Financial Planner, to help fellow members of the military community on their career journey into the world of financial planning. His education includes his BS in Economics from Purdue University with highest distinction, an MA from American Military University, a Graduate Certificate from in Financial Therapy and an MS in Advanced Financial Planning from Kansas State University. Daniel is now married to his wife Anna, and lives in the Sarasota, FL area along with their son Weston where they love to explore new places, try interesting cuisines, play board games, and serve in their local church.
On-Demand Event

Daniel Knopp, CFP®
Wise Stewardship Financial Planning

Silvia Manent, CFA, CFP®
Manent Capital