
Ep #5: How Fee-Only Advisors Help Clients Get Insurance with Mark Maurer

August 26, 2015

Today, we’re excited to welcome the sponsor of #XYPNRadio Launch Week, Mark Maurer! Mark is the president and CEO of LLIS.

Insurance is a tricky issue for financial planners, particularly fee-only advisors. LLIS was founded to provide assistance to fee-only advisors with helping their clients with insurance transactions.

In addition to the issues that fee-only advisors face, not being able to simply transact insurance on the behalf of their clients, there is also the aspect of expertise. Join us as Mark shares why it is impossible for a single advisor or even single insurance agent to keep up with all of the different insurance companies and products available on the market today.

You won’t want to miss this inside look at how LLIS is set-up and how they work with advisors to ensure their clients get the best service possible.

As a special bonus, XYPN members get free registration to LLIS Insurance Academy!


Listen to the Full Interview:


What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How Mark ended up buying his parents' firm.
  • Mark’s suggestions for anyone planning to buy a firm.
  • How LLIS has evolved since its founding.
  • Why LLIS does not offer PNC.
  • The ranges of most brokers get paid per policy.
  • Where the name LLIS originated.
  • Why all LLIS employees get paid salaried vs. commission.
  • How to determine which policies are right for your customers.

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