3 MIN READ With 2020 officially in the rearview mirror (see ya never!) and our sights set on 2021, it's time to start thinking about fresh starts, new beginnings, and, of course,...
3 MIN READ We field a lot of questions from advisors about how to handle vendors in QuickBooks. We get it. There’s a lot to keep track of and you signed up to be a financial...
7 MIN READ Ask any advisor what they need more of and chances are they won’t say clients first—they’ll say time. While we’re incapable of offering you more than 24 hours in a day...
4 MIN READ Even during these unique times of social distancing, sharing can still be caring, at least for some transactions within your books. If it's not immediately obvious,...
3.5 MIN READ When new clients come to us with neglected books, the first thing we do is clean them up. This simply means we find mistakes—often the result of bad bookkeeping...
3 MIN READ A wise person once said, “Outsource your payroll.” We don’t know who exactly that wise person was, but here at FA Bean Counters, we believe that using a payroll service...
4 MIN READ Updated April 7, 2020 at 12:30 PM MT With the advent of the $2.2 trillion (yes, that’s a t, not a b) government stimulus package in light of the novel coronavirus,...
6 MIN READ Let’s talk about AdvicePay. We work with many advisors here at FABC who use this billing and payment solution—after all, it’s specifically designed for fee-for-service...
3 MIN READ Getting ready to finalize your tax return? STOP! Before you call it done, double-check these five things to make sure your return is really ready to be filed. #1. Are...
Click here to find an updated version of this blog. Here at XYPN Books, we receive a lot of questions from small business owners about 1099s. A LOT. And we’re happy to answer...