3 MIN READ A wise person once said, “Outsource your payroll.” We don’t know who exactly that wise person was, but here at FA Bean Counters, we believe that using a payroll service...
4 MIN READ Updated April 7, 2020 at 12:30 PM MT With the advent of the $2.2 trillion (yes, that’s a t, not a b) government stimulus package in light of the novel coronavirus,...
6 MIN READ Let’s talk about AdvicePay. We work with many advisors here at FABC who use this billing and payment solution—after all, it’s specifically designed for fee-for-service...
3 MIN READ Getting ready to finalize your tax return? STOP! Before you call it done, double-check these five things to make sure your return is really ready to be filed. #1. Are...
Click here to find an updated version of this blog. Here at XYPN Books, we receive a lot of questions from small business owners about 1099s. A LOT. And we’re happy to answer...
3 MIN READ As another year comes to a close, we thought what better way to celebrate than with a walk down memory lane? So we rounded up our top five most popular blogs of 2019....
2 MIN READ Recently when working in a client’s books, I noticed a series of charges, all for $800 within two days of each other. I did not recognize the vendor listed in the bank...
2 MIN READ When our clients ask if we can recommend a bank, our pat answer is, “Any bank you are comfortable with,” as we are not in the business of promoting any one bank in...
3 MIN READ Per diem—if you’ve ever traveled for work, chances are you’re familiar with this term. As an employee, it’s pretty straightforward. You’re given a fixed, predetermined...
3.5 MIN READ We’ve previously written about how to pay yourself depending on your entity type. As a quick refresher, if you’re a single member LLC, you take draws. Partners in a...