Fringe Benefits: What's Taxable and What's Not

4 MIN READ When considering a job, most people know that you should look at more than just pay; you need to consider the entire benefits package offered. Fringe benefits—all those...

How to Review Your Books: A 7-Step Process

4.5 MIN READ Around mid-January, we were inundated with questions and corrections about why certain transactions were categorized a certain way, why income was high, or why...

A Case for Accrual Basis Accounting

3 MIN READ So, you launched your RIA and now have a laundry list of to-dos and decisions to make. One of those to-dos is keeping a set of books; the accompanying decision is...

Bean Counters and the Dawning of Democracy

2.5 MIN READ bean counter noun [informal] Beans are a cheap commodity so to count them is a rather silly thing to do. A “bean counter” is one who nitpicks over small things in...

The 7 Best Apps for QuickBooks Online

3 MIN READ QuickBooks Online (QBO) has a plethora of apps designed specifically to supercharge QBO’s capabilities and make your life easier. Wondering which ones are the best?...

10 Things We Love About QuickBooks Online

3 MIN READ QuickBooks, the longtime, go-to accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses, is making the move to QuickBooks Online (QBO). Intuit is encouraging users to...

10 Changes to the Tax Law That Could Affect Your 2018 Tax Return

5 MIN READ The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)—the largest piece of tax reform legislation in more than 30 years—went into effect on January 1, 2018, enacting sweeping changes that...

10 Tips for Managing Your Cash Flow

5 MIN READ With all of the expenses of running a business, from tech and software subscriptions to travel costs to operational overhead, it’s no wonder some businesses are...

Understanding the Tax Benefits of Investing in Opportunity Zones

4.5 MIN READ The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced a host of transformative changes of varying significance, largely changing the way many businesses view and handle their taxes....

10 Totally Random But Interesting Accounting Facts

2 MIN READ Fact: there's much more to accounting than just numbers and data entry. While accounting isn't widely known as the most exciting career, it has a long and storied past...