Take Full Advantage of XYPN Membership With Your Member Experience Specialist

5 min read
September 11, 2023

Whether you’ve just made the decision to join XYPN, or you’ve been a member for a while and haven’t taken a deep dive into maximizing your membership, you’re ready to start taking advantage of countless member benefits. So how do you take full advantage of XYPN membership?

Enter your Member Experience Team.

We at XYPN understand how important it is to have someone in your corner, so rest easy knowing that each and every member is invited to meet with our Member Experience Team from the first day you join. Our team of Member Experience Specialists know membership inside and out, and our job is to get to know you and your firm on an individual and personal level to ensure you’re getting everything you can out of XYPN. Your Member Experience Team is your go-to point of contact throughout your membership, and the team is ready to help you live your best life!

Why do we have Member Experience Specialists?

We know becoming and staying an XYPN member is not just signing up for another service—every member of the Network chooses us to help them start or grow their businesses, and we don’t take that privilege lightly! When you join XYPN, you receive access to an array of technology benefits, compliance services and support, ongoing education and coaching, opportunities for outsourcing, and so much more. 

Navigating if something is right for you and when can be challenging. Not everyone has the time to ensure they get everything possible from membership, especially while you’re running a full-time business! The Member Experience Team will be your point of contact from day one, ensuring that you always get the support and resources you need.

But almost more importantly, we at XYPN believe in the power and importance of relationships. That’s why we’re a Network! We don’t believe we can serve you effectively if we don’t know you and your firm below the surface level. 

At this point, if you’re a member, you might be wondering, who are the Member Experience Specialists? How do I get in touch with them? What exactly can they help me accomplish? Well, let’s get into that now. 

You like benefits and perks, right? Our Membership Guide showcases all of the  value and savings you can get from an XYPN membership. Download today and do  the math!  →

Who are the Member Experience Specialists?

Whether you’ve been a member for a while or you’ve just joined, you have an entire team of specialists in your corner! If you’re thinking about joining, you’ll work with all of us from day one. The Member Experience Team consists of three membership experts: Julia Lachner, Tess Hollister, and me, Alex! We’ll check in with you annually in a one-on-one meeting format, but you can contact us anytime or as questions arise. The Help & Support button on your Portal Dashboard will help you to get in touch with our team. Never hesitate to email us, give us a phone call, or book a Zoom call!


Julia Lachner

I’m Julia Lachner, and I am one of your Member Experience Specialists! I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and here alongside you to offer support and navigate all of XYPN’s resources and benefits. My favorite part of my job is connecting with our members to learn about their goals and watch their continued success and growth, both personally and professionally. When I am not behind my desk, I love spending all of my time outside! I love hiking, biking, camping, fishing, and pack rafting! My husband, Cody, is my adventure buddy along with our rescue dog, Champ!

Tess Hollister TessHollister

Nice to meet you! As one of your Member Experience Specialists at XYPN, I have a passion for helping members feel connected. Taking a personalized approach to your membership experience, I strive to first understand the differentiating factors of you and your firm - what makes you unique! From there, we will work together to drive the greatest value to your firm through XYPN's plethora of member benefits, energizing community aspects, and constructive business strategy resources. I'm excited to work with you!

AlexEigenAlex Eigen, M.A.

Hello! As XYPN's Manager of Member Experience, I strive to create a successful membership experience for you at any stage in your journey. I'm passionate about meaningful social interaction, and I can't wait to engage with you as I assist you with navigating membership, member benefits, and any other matters that arise. I'll help you get the most out of all that XYPN offers. I can't                                                             wait to meet you!

Annual Check-Ins

You can expect your Member Experience Team to contact you for a one-on-one meeting once a year for your Annual Membership Review. We like to check in to make sure you and your firm are doing well and feel supported! Keep an eye out for these emails from the Member Experience Team, and always feel free to take us up on a Zoom call. These calls are great opportunities to have any membership questions or concerns addressed in real-time. It’s also a great way to stay in the loop with what’s new with XYPN.  Don’t worry; we’ll always be happy to help you via email, too, if a video call just doesn't fit into your schedule. We know how busy you are!

Personalization of Membership

Your XYPN membership is not one size fits all. We definitely encourage you to choose your own adventure, and your Member Experience Team can help you to do just that. Not every member benefit we offer will be right for you, and that’s okay! We can help you build your individualized tech stack, place you in the right Mastermind Group, and even introduce you to other members we think you’d benefit from getting to know. We can send you resources, articles, webinars, and more that pertain to topics that are of interest to you. We have the ability to provide you with recommendations based on the business you’re hoping to build so you can crush those goals as an entrepreneur!

Navigation of Platforms and Member Benefits

We understand that there’s a lot to take advantage of within your XYPN membership. When you join, you gain access to a wealth of resources, information, and opportunities, and for many new members, that can be overwhelming. To mitigate that “drinking from a firehose” feeling, we are always happy to review member benefits with you or help you navigate your Member Portal, XYPN Academy, Knowledge Base, and the Community Forums. You can request to book a call with a membership expert for this purpose alone! It’s always nice to have a refresher on your XYPN membership since we’re always working on enhancing your membership experience. 

At the end of the day, we’re your own personal support people! It’s important to know who to turn to. You have an entire Network of like-minded advisors who have your back and are excited to watch you succeed, but you can always count on our team to cheer you on and be there when you need membership support!

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About the Author
Alex Eigen, MA, is XYPN's Manager of Member Experience. Her favorite part about her job is learning about XYPN members, both professionally and personally—Alex has a blast hearing about family vacations or meeting children and pets via Zoom, all while learning about the success of XYPN members! When she's not championing the member experience, Alex loves hiking, hunting, fly fishing, and enjoying all that beautiful Bozeman, Montana has to offer.