Mastering "The Unstoppable Formula" with Dr. Sean Stephenson

2 min read
May 06, 2019

“Life happens for us, not to us.”

This anecdote perfectly captures the profound respect and unwavering optimism with which psychotherapist, best-selling author, motivational speaker, and #XYPNLIVE 2019 keynote presenter Dr. Sean Stephenson regards life. 

This isn't the type of inspirational message revered by someone who fell into fortune without fight. This is the mantra of someone who truly understands what it means to make the most of an unfortunate situation—someone who knows firsthand that just because life isn't easy, that doesn't mean it isn't good or fulfilling. 

Want to learn from other fee-only advisors on how to grow your firm? XYPN LIVE  is the fastest-growing event of the year for folks like you, and registration  is open. Get your pass today →

Osteogenesis imperfecta (“brittle bone disease”), a rare and painful bone disorder, rendered Dr. Stephenson’s bones extremely fragile, stunted his growth, and threatened his very survival from birth. By the age of 18, he had suffered more than 200 bone fractures.

For some, these challenges would seem insurmountable. For Dr. Stephenson, they made him unstoppable. He’ll share how in his keynote presentation, The Unstoppable Formula, at #XYPNLIVE in St. Louis this September.

The Unstoppable Formula represents the culmination of Dr. Stephenson’s nearly two decades’ worth of experience as a psychotherapist. In his presentation, he’ll explore each of the Formula’s three steps, designed to motivate those “who feel stuck, discouraged, or need momentum towards their vision.”

Many entrepreneurs struggle with self-sabotage. Often, they are the biggest doubters in their lives. And yet they also hold the most power. The Unstoppable Formula allows those struggling with insecurities to transform their fears, envy, and complaints into goals, appreciation, and action. 

In sharing this Formula, as well as personal stories and therapeutic metaphors designed to help listeners map out their lives, navigate challenging times, relieve everyday stress, and handle change, Dr. Stephenson has a singular hope: that #XYPNLIVE attendees “will be equipped with an extremely useful set of tools to handle stress and unfair moments" and will "take away a deep love for their lives, their work, and each other.”

Dr. Stephenson began delivering motivational speeches over 20 years ago at the young age of 17, and “it just stuck.” Since then, he has been on a mission to rid the world of insecurities, inspiring millions of people with his innate tendency to ignore the negative and focus instead on potential. His powerful message has been heard in nearly all 50 states and in 16 countries.

Dr. Stephenson will continue this mission as he delivers his powerful and inspiring keynote presentation at XYPN's annual conference. To learn how to leverage The Unstoppable Formula to overcome your self-doubt and find success and happiness in your life, get your pass for #XYPNLIVE 2019.

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Kelly Moorman_300x300About the Author
As XYPN’s Content Manager, Kelly Moorman is tasked with communicating the Network's value proposition to the world. For years, Kelly has helped organizations tell their stories in ways that inspire others to listen, and to care. Her penchant for a well-crafted sentence, good grammar, and clever wordplay has earned her the moniker “Word Whiz” around the XYPN office. She’s thrilled to share XYPN’s story with you and the rest of the world.