Tweeting It Up with Experian on #Creditchat

2 min read
March 25, 2015

Last week, XY Planning Network and a number of our member advisors co-hosted Experian’s weekly #creditchat on Twitter. In case you missed this event and opportunity to connect with peers and consumers alike, we’re recapping the highlights for you here.

With network co-founder Alan Moore, 5 XYPN members provided their tips, ideas, and insights:

Our advisors answered and discussed the following questions:

  • Q1: Why have many people never seen a financial adviser?
  • Q2: Why is seeing a financial counselor helpful? When is a good time?
  • Q3: What types of qualifications and experience should an adviser have?
  • Q4: What types of financial advisers should you avoid? Any warning signs?
  • Q5: What services do financial planners offer?
  • Q6: How are financial advisers compensated for providing services to you?
  • Q7: How can you make sure a financial planner is a fiduciary?
  • Q8: Where can you go online to find a qualified financial adviser?
  • Q9: How often does a person need to see a financial adviser?
  • Q10: Any final tips on how to find a great financial planner?

Here are some of our favorite tweets from #creditchat:

You can also check out Experian's recap on Slideshare or view the highlights on their site.

We really enjoyed fostering this discussion and sharing our knowledge, ideas, and advice for others who may not have been sure where to start when looking for a financial advisor. XYPN and our members loves getting involved with others in the financial community -- and of course, helping educate and inform consumers.

Want to be part of our own community that provides amazing opportunities like #creditchat with Experian? We'd love for you to learn more about XYPN and what we can do for financial advisors who want support for their business, a likeminded group of professionals to connect and engage with, and to serve Gen X and Gen Y clients with the best financial planning service available.

Alan Moore

About the Author

Alan Moore is the CEO and Co-Founder of XY Planning Network—a support ecosystem dedicated to helping fee-for-service advisors start, run, and grow their own financial planning firms and serve the clients they want. His favorite part about his job is dreaming about possibilities for what's next, knowing his stellar team will either tell him no or Get Sh*t Done to make it happen.