Choosing the Right Email Campaign Software for Financial Advisors

5 min read
September 23, 2024

Email marketing remains a powerful tool in the digital marketing landscape, especially for financial professionals. Despite the rise of social media, email campaigns continue to deliver high engagement rates due to the trusted relationships financial advisors build with their clients. Choosing the right email campaign software is crucial for maximizing these benefits and ensuring effective client communication. This post will explore the top four platforms widely used among financial professionals: Constant Contact, Levitate, MailChimp, and MailerLite. We'll dive into their features, strengths, and how each can be the best fit for your financial practice.

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Why Email Marketing Matters for Financial Advisors

Email marketing continues to be a staple for reaching clients, even with the proliferation of social media channels and other digital marketing methods. The reason is simple: emails are direct, personal, and can be highly targeted. Financial advisors, in particular, benefit from email marketing due to their personalized and trusted relationships with their clients. When financial professionals leverage this trust and use targeted segmented email marketing, they see higher engagement rates. The average email open rate across industries is around 20-30%, but financial professionals often experience even higher rates—up to 40%—because of their ability to send personalized, valuable content that resonates with their audience.

Moreover, advancements in email marketing technology, like automation and AI-driven content creation, have made sending relevant and timely messages easier, improving engagement. High-quality content, stronger anti-spam regulations, and mobile optimization have further contributed to the continued growth of email marketing effectiveness.

Overview of the Top Email Campaign Platforms

The top four options for financial advisors considering email marketing tools are Constant Contact, Levitate, MailChimp, and MailerLite. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Constant Contact: Known for its ease of use and versatility, making it a popular choice for small to mid-sized businesses.
  2. Levitate: Specializes in relationship marketing and helps businesses maintain personal connections with clients, which is ideal for financial advisors who value client relationships.
  3. MailChimp: Offers robust features and a user-friendly design, catering to both beginners and advanced users with its extensive functionality and flexibility.
  4. MailerLite: Praised for its simplicity and affordability, it is a great option for small businesses and startups looking for a cost-effective solution.

Common Features Across All Platforms

Each of these platforms offers several foundational features essential for effective email marketing. Understanding these common features is crucial when selecting a platform that meets the core needs of a financial advisory practice:

  • Mass Blast Emails: All platforms allow for easy creation and sending of newsletters, holiday wishes, and other mass communications. These mass emails can be a great way to keep clients informed about financial news, changes in your practice, or updates to your services.
  • Analytics & Reporting: These features provide insights into open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics, helping you understand what resonates with your audience. This data is invaluable for refining your email strategy and content to improve engagement.
  • Automation: Automation features let you set up email sequences triggered by specific actions or dates, ensuring timely and relevant communication. For example, you could automate onboarding emails for new clients or set up drip campaigns that nurture leads over time.
  • Social Media Posting: Each platform allows for scheduling and posting content directly from the email platform across various social media channels. This integration helps maintain a consistent online presence and reach clients where they are most active.

Advanced Features that Differentiate Each Platform 

While the foundational features are standard across all platforms, some advanced features set them apart. These advanced capabilities can add significant value to a financial advisor's practice, helping you choose the most suitable platform based on specific needs:

  1. SMS/Text Capability (Built-In/Native): Constant Contact and Levitate offer built-in SMS capabilities, which are highly effective for urgent updates and personalized messages. This feature is ideal for sending clients meeting reminders, important notifications, or personalized birthday messages.
  2. Direct Integration with Financial Industry CRMs: Levitate integrates directly with Wealthbox and Redtail, providing seamless client data synchronization. This feature is a game-changer for financial advisors as it ensures that all client interactions are recorded and accessible in one place. MailChimp also integrates directly with Salesforce, another popular CRM financial professionals use.
  3. Content Calendars: Platforms like MailChimp offer content calendars that allow for the planning and organizing of emails and social media posts in advance. This ensures consistent communication and reduces the last-minute scramble to produce content, making your marketing efforts more efficient and strategic.
  4. Website and Landing Page Creation: MailChimp, MailerLite, and Levitate provide tools to create simple websites and landing pages. These can capture leads or provide clients with additional resources, enhancing your online presence without needing extensive technical skills.

Unique Features to Consider

Some platforms have unique features that may justify their higher price points or appeal to specific business models:

  • Levitate: This platform focuses on relationship-based marketing, emphasizing personalized communication like handwritten-style emails and reminders for important dates. It also features meeting booking integration, surveys and reviews, and AI-driven content creation for highly personalized client engagement. Levitate’s ability to foster deeper client relationships can be particularly beneficial for financial advisors who want to maintain a personal touch in their communications.

Pricing Overview

Pricing for email marketing platforms typically works on a tiered model based on the number of subscribers and selected plan features. Here’s a breakdown of the starting costs for each platform:

  • Constant Contact: This platform starts at around $35/month for 500 contacts. It is known for providing a robust set of tools, including email marketing, social media integration, event management, and contact management.
  • Levitate: Requires scheduling a demo for pricing information. Levitate's pricing is typically higher due to its unique features, like AI-driven content personalization and CRM integration.
  • MailChimp: Offers a free tier with basic features, but paid plans can become expensive as your subscriber list grows. It is ideal for businesses looking for a scalable solution with extensive features.
  • MailerLite: Known for its affordability, with pricing starting at $18/month for 500 contacts. This platform is ideal for small businesses and startups that need basic yet powerful email marketing capabilities without the high costs.

Detailed Platform Comparisons: Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing the right email marketing platform depends on your needs, budget, and priorities. Here's a detailed comparison to help you decide:

  • Best Overall Value: MailerLite – Ideal for small businesses and startups due to its affordability and simplicity. It offers essential tools like email automation, landing page creation, and A/B testing, making it a robust choice for those looking to get started with email marketing without a hefty price tag.
  • Best Overall User Experience: MailChimp—This platform is suitable for both beginners and advanced users, offering a user-friendly design and comprehensive features. It excels in providing a versatile platform that caters to a wide range of business needs, from small startups to large enterprises. Its advanced reporting tools and AI-driven content optimization contribute to its popularity.
  • Best Tech for the Money: Constant Contact—This is great for businesses looking for a feature-rich platform with built-in SMS capabilities and event management tools. Constant Contact provides a well-rounded package that includes social media integration and customer relationship management, making it a strong choice for those looking to manage multiple aspects of their marketing from a single platform.
  • Richest Features & Tech Integrations: Levitate – Perfect for financial advisors who need deep CRM integrations and advanced personalized communication features. Its focus on relationship marketing and unique features like meeting booking and handwritten cards make it an excellent choice for advisors prioritizing personalized, meaningful client interactions.


Selecting the right email marketing platform is critical for optimizing your outreach efforts and engaging effectively with your clients. By understanding each platform's unique strengths and features, financial advisors can make an informed decision that aligns with their business needs and goals. Whether you're looking for affordability, user-friendliness, advanced features, or deep CRM integrations, a platform is right for you.
For more detailed guidance on choosing the right platform for your practice, consider exploring additional resources such as feature summaries, decision trees, and pricing comparisons. Investing in the right email marketing tool will help you maintain strong client relationships, streamline communication processes, and ultimately grow your practice.

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